Grimes scarta il suo nuovo album


“howdy ^_^

I really appreciate the kind words! but the constant/daily reassurance from fans, friends, family, co workers etc. that I ought not to worry about what other people say is truly unnecessary.

I honestly never ‘ditched an album due to negative fan reaction to go.’ Go did really well imo. obviously some people didn’t like it as it was different from my other material, but isn’t that the point of collaborations/ trying to write for other artists?

Some outlets ran w that story for no apparent reason and refuse to amend or take down despite the fact that it’s incorrect and there is no proof that it’s true lol

The rumour is complete nonsense.

The album was scrapped cuz it was depressing and I didn’t want to tour it. I may release it one day. this all happened before Go was ever released.

I throw out music all the time, i have almost 1000 gigs of unreleased music on my hard drive.

I just want the next album to be as good as possible.

Go was never on the album anyway, it is a collaboration with a close friend that was released for fans as a ‘Thank you’ for waiting since my album was being delayed.

There are only about 4 people on earth who have heard my new music.
People’s opinions do not factor into my process.

That is all, and hopefully this helps

I’m really not that sad or insecure of a person
ps another new song i made w my friend jack for HBO’s girls coming out this sunday ! ^_^”

Questa la nota con cui Grimes ha annunciato dal suo profilo Tumblr di aver scartato il disco a cui stava lavorando, la motivazione, in sostanza, sarebbe che il lavoro conteneva canzoni tristi e deprimenti che la cantante canadese non sentiva suoi.
Grimes precisa inoltre come la decisione di cestinare il suo lavoro sia stata presa prima e dunque a prescindere dai commenti negativi seguiti la release di “Go”.
Nel nuovo album che un giorno vedrà la luce ci sarà (o no?) dopo una nuova registrazione REALiTi, brano registrato nel 2013 appunto per il lavoro discografico successivo a “Visions”, terzo album di Grimes.

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